Time management

by Catherine Mylinh
July 25, 2008
Randy Pausch died this morning.
He was 47.
The Carnegie Mellon University professor had been battling pancreatic cancer for the last year. You may have seen his "Last Lecture" on YouTube. You may recognize him from the ABC News special on his life and career. You may have received my "spam" e-mail earlier this year encouraging you to read about Pausch.
I don't have much to write today other than to say I revisit these videos from time to time. I do it to remind myself about karma - how I ought to be living, what I should be grateful for, how I shouldn't waste precious time fretting over silly situations and insecurities, how time is precious. I'm not perfect. Sometimes I fail. But I'm trying. Every day.
I hope you think about the things this man had to say. I hope you get as much from his words as I, and millions of other people, continue to. Pausch often said that it is not so much the man, but the message, he hopes people will remember. I think he's getting his wish.
July 25, 2008
Randy Pausch died this morning.
He was 47.
The Carnegie Mellon University professor had been battling pancreatic cancer for the last year. You may have seen his "Last Lecture" on YouTube. You may recognize him from the ABC News special on his life and career. You may have received my "spam" e-mail earlier this year encouraging you to read about Pausch.
I don't have much to write today other than to say I revisit these videos from time to time. I do it to remind myself about karma - how I ought to be living, what I should be grateful for, how I shouldn't waste precious time fretting over silly situations and insecurities, how time is precious. I'm not perfect. Sometimes I fail. But I'm trying. Every day.
I hope you think about the things this man had to say. I hope you get as much from his words as I, and millions of other people, continue to. Pausch often said that it is not so much the man, but the message, he hopes people will remember. I think he's getting his wish.
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